- "Besides, aren’t you the same guy who once did me on an open hill in a public campground five klicks from a military tower filled with men and binoculars? "此外, 你不是一次做我在一个公众的野营地的一个开放的小山上来自一个充满男人和双眼望远镜的军事塔的五 klicks 的相同傢伙"?
- I was just about to ask you the same thing. 我刚才正要问你同一件事情。
- Thank you. And I wish you the same! 谢谢你。我也同样祝愿你!
- DOGGETT: (suggestively) I could ask you the same. 道吉特:(启发地)我应该问你相同的问题。
- Arvin: I might ask you the same question. 阿尔文:我还想问你干了什么呢。
- Can’t you see how huffy he got when the same thing happened last time? 你没看到上次发生这种事时他发多大火吗?)
- Darling, Papa misses you the same. 宝贝,爸爸念你依如从前。
- Aren''t you a religion or a rival to religion? 你们是否宗教或宗教的竞争者?
- The silent Malaysian, Aren’t you Angry ? 沉默的马来西亚人, 你不觉得愤怒吗?
- I wish you the same good fortune you have wished me,with knobs on! 你祝我走好运,我祝你更走运。
- To tell you the truth I have the same doubt in my mind. 告诉你实话,我自己心里也有同样的怀疑。
- I wish you the same good fortune you have wished me, with knobs on! 你祝我走好运,我祝你更走运。
- We pay you the same interest rate as a resident here. 我们付给您的利息和付给本地居民储户的利息相同。
- Wait a minute. You"re that Moo Slashie guy, aren"t you? 等等。难道你就是那个“亩”藏?
- Entering the same email will always give you the same code. 进入相同的电子邮件将永远给你相同的代码。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- Can' t you sort the good from the bad ? 你难道不会区分好坏吗?
- The DMV must treat you the same regardless of age, gender or race. 车管所对待你必须与别人一样,不管年龄、性别和种族。
- The area is not the same area I sent you the IHC photos before. 这一区域与前一次上传的免疫组化图片是不同区域。